TV and Movies Are Correct About OCD..........NOT!![]()
I am sure you seen obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD in movies or TV shows. Whenever OCD is portrayed the individual tends to have struggles or issues with contamination of some kind or the need to put things in order. This is something that I see often as an issue. It puts in the world's mind that OCD is all about arranging, making things neat, or washing your hands. Not only is OCD commonly not like this but it gives many individuals the thought to say “I am so OCD about [fill in the blank]”
I have run into many posts on social media regarding OCD. There will be lines of brown M&Ms with one green one in there. The tagline will say, “if you cannot handle these pictures you probably have OCD”. This actually makes me very sad, especially when I read all of the comments that people have to say about it. In unison individuals are discussing and talking about how they must have OCD when in reality they most likely do not. You know, we can dislike seeing an image or not like seeing something out of place but this does not mean you have OCD. Someone with OCD could feel high amounts of intense anxiety seeing something out of place. Their thoughts getting hijacked, making it almost unbearable to leave it untouched or unfixed. So when somebody comes to me and says “we all have a little OCD and us”, my response usually is. “Wow you feel intense anxiety throughout the entire day, almost to the point where you are incapacitated at home and work?” Or I will say “you have intense intrusive thoughts that you are going to harm somebody else or even your own children.” Okay, So Then What Is OCD?
When I say OCD is not what you think it is I mean it. Yes, we see the relentless portrayal of OCD of cleanliness and orderliness but this is actually a rarity. Most of the time when somebody is struggling with OCD it is intense intrusive thoughts followed by sometimes hundreds of compulsions or ways for somebody to feel better from anxiety. These intrusive thoughts can be questions of moral right and wrong, the fear of sinning, the fear of harming someone else, the fear of harming yourself, the fear of being gay, having sexual intrusive thoughts and so many more.
These individuals not only feel these intrusive thoughts but have the need to ask for reassurance from others that they are okay. That they really will not harm that person. That they really are not sinning. There really are not gay. This is only one type of compulsion or neutralizer than individual with OCD might do. The next time you think to say “wow I am so OCD about this because I like my room to be clean.” Think about what you are saying. Feel compassion for those who are struggling. OCD often is not seen on the outside because it is there on the inside. It is not something to be joked about and is really serious. Can Therapy Really Work For OCD?
If you are struggling with OCD yourself, I want you to know that there is hope. There is a way for you to control your intrusive thoughts and for you to fill a reduction of anxiety. There is freedom. This takes some work but it definitely is doable. A therapist for OCD in McKinney can help you. Give me a call and we can talk about some of your options.
Counselor For OCD In McKinneyTherapist For OCD In McKinneyTherapy For OCD In McKinney
Intensive Outpatient Program For OCD In McKinney![]()
If you are reading this you are probably wondering what in intensive outpatient program for Obsessive-compulsive disorder is. Traditionally, many individuals will seek counseling or therapy throughout their life for OCD. Sadly enough it appears that most individuals have received incorrect treatment or partial treatment. This means that the therapist may know a general idea of the treatment for OCD but is execution is incorrect. Of course this is not the case for all therapists, but I cannot tell you how many times I have heard someone convey to me they have done treatment and it is nowhere near what they need.
I have created an intensive outpatient program for OCD and other anxiety related disorders such as social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and hoarding. I also have a customized individual treatment plan for those who struggle with hair pulling, skin picking, or tics and Tourette's. The intensive outpatient program consists of the individual coming multiple hours a week. You are probably thinking, "how in the world can we talk that much?" Well good news! This program actually does not consist of much talking. Of course we will do normal sessions but a majority of your time in this program will be dedicated to you doing what is called exposure and response prevention. This means we will be taking your topic or even fears and do behavioral modification in your life to essentially take value away from the upsetting topic. This makes physical changes in your brain, which then allows you to live your life more freely and helps you feel less anxiety. Additionally, it actually allows your brain to not have as many or any intrusive thoughts. Lots of individuals will ask me, "how do I know if I need to do the outpatient program for OCD?" --- I look at a few indications. First of all, think about your OCD, is interfering in your daily life? Are you unable to function due to intrusive thoughts? Have you tried multiple times to remove these thoughts with no success? Are you just plain tired of the anxiety and feel a level of hopelessness that you will be stuck forever? These are all questions I would like you to ask yourself. While we can achieve successful therapy on a week to week basis, sometimes the individual would like to accelerate their progress. Often an individual needs more time a week for motivation, accountability, and just plain help. Do not get fooled into thinking you can wait this out and it will go away. This is where individuals might feel like they have hit rock bottom. I do not want this for you. Check out my intensive outpatient program. This literally can change your life. The best part about this program is that I am going to be with you every step of the way. You are not going to be thrown around with different therapists or unlicensed clinicians. You will have me, a licensed clinical social worker and a specialist for OCD with you throughout the entire program. Intensive Outpatient Program For OCD In FriscoIntensive Outpatient Program For OCD In McKinney |
AuthorNathan Peterson specializes in working with OCD and Anxiety related disorders and has done so for the past 7+ years. Archives
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