Excoriation disorder or commonly known as skin picking or dermatillomania is characterized as the repetitive picking of your own skin. We all tend to pick a zit or a bump from time to time. The difference is that this may be rare whereas someone with excoriation disorder spends a lot of time each day doing so. They may touch, rub, scratch, pick, or dig into their skin to improve perceived imperfection. Often this is cause damage or scarring.
This behavior typically begins in early adolescence. It can begin at any age. Skin picking disorder tends to be chronic. Meaning that it come and go throughout someone's life.
Individuals may pick form different part of their body including, face, neck, fingers, scalp, arms and legs. Typically individuals who struggle with skin picking disorder also experience anxiety or depression.
What Are The Symptoms Of Skin Picking Disorder?
Excoriation or skin picking disorder is classified as an "Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorder". The criteria in the DSM-5 Diagnostic Manual are as follows:
Recurrent skin picking that results in skin lesions
Repeated attempts to stop the behavior
The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment
The symptoms are not caused by a substance or medical, or dermatological condition
The symptoms are not better explained by another psychiatric disorder
Why Do I Even Have Excoriation Disorder?
Research has indicated that some may have inherited a predisposition to picking or have whats called a body focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). Usually, we can find a few individuals down the family line who either pull hair, pick skin, bite nails, or some other BFRB.
Other factors are involved such as temperament, environment, age of onset and family stressors in the individual's life that may bring Skin Picking Disorder to life.
Is There Treatment? Can I Really Stop Picking?
Yes! The treatment for Skin Picking Disorder is called The Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment Model or ComB. It incorporates habit reversal in a more comprehensive way. This researched based treatment has helped thousands of individuals stop picking their skin or manage it to a point where it does not interfere in their life. It starts with awareness of the picking. Then it moves to creating competing responses or strategies. Using this treatment changes brain patterns, allowing the individual to learn a better method of coping with skin picking. I also work with depression and anxiety throughout this process as well.
Why Choose Me?
I am a counselor for Skin Picking in McKinney. I have been practicing for many years. Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors are my specialty. It's not a guessing game of what will work for you in treatment. It's an equation. You just need to know the correct one. Managing skin picking is very doable. Lets do it together.