Tics are involuntary twitches or movements that an individual does, usually using common muscle groups. When the individual spends a lot of time suppressing the tic it can cause a stronger urge. Tics can manifest themselves in many different ways. Some of the most common are movements of the arms, neck, head, eyes, mouth, nasal flaring, and mouth opening. Tics may be motor (movement) or vocal. This may include humming, grunting, clearing throat, or actually saying words.
Tics may be simple or complex. A simple tics just happen. There is no purpose to them. A complex tic consist of moving muscles with a purpose, such as scratching, throwing or chewing. A vocal complex tic is where a word is being said. Not just a sound.
Being a neurological disorder, tics are not something that you can catch. It is also not a learned behavior. It is something that your brain is doing in our goal is to help your brain change this behavior.
Why Can I Just Stop The Tic?
Think about keeping your eyes open as long as you can. There is a point where you feel uncomfortable. You feel an actual urge to close your eyes. This is what someone who experience tics feels all day. They often will not feel any relief until they do the tic. Often they don't know they are doing the tic and are unaware they are feeling relief. It becomes so engrained in their life that it just becomes natural for them to do them.
What Kind of Tics Are There?
Chronic motor tic disorder: Same as Tourette's except not associated with vocal tics
Chronic vocal tic disorder: Same as Tourette's except consists only of vocal tics (no motor tics)
Acute tic disorder: A disorder consisting of tics, lasting a short time and resolves when the stress factor is eliminated (lasts less than 3 months).
Tic disorder not otherwise specified: Includes all the other disorders that do not meet the criteria for the above-mentioned disorders.
What Is Tourette's Disorder?
This disorder is a combination of BOTH vocal and motor tics. You must have both to have tourette's. They do not need to happen at the same time but in order to qualify the tics must be present for over 1 year and never resolve for a period longer than 2 months.
The origin or causation of the disorder is genetic. It's common for the individual to have increased hyperactivity and irritability.
Is There Hope? What's The Treatment For Tics or Tourette's
I have treated hundreds of children, teens, and adults with tics and tourettes. The researched based treatment for Tics and Tourette's is called CBIT (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics). This has shown proof to reduce tics or even stop them from coming back. It not only works with your brain but taking behavioral changes as well.
If you or your child is struggling please schedule an appointment. There is help!