I have many individuals come to me and say "my house is really dirty, I don't think I'm hoarding". Where my response usually is, "let's throw some things away and see how you feel". If the individual is able to throw away items without much distress or anxiety their original statement actually may be true.
The definition of hoarding is as follows: it is characterized by the ongoing resistance to throwing away unnecessary items like junk mail, old newspapers, and other items that people may consider is garbage. There are many personal items that individuals like to hold onto. There is an attachment to them. The individual almost feels as if they throw the item a way that they are now losing that memory or even a part of themselves. There's a term called habituation. What this means is that we can get really used to our surroundings. If I have spent the majority of my life collecting items and living with objects all around me. I'm going to feel very strange to not have them around me anymore.
If you think about this way. If you jump into a cold swimming pool you are going to get an initial shock. You might want to even get out. If we stand long enough we get used to the cold water. Our mind is no longer thinking how cold the water is, instead we're just living life. This shows us how easily we can get used to a situation that somebody else might find as harmful.
It is interesting that a majority of the cases that I see it is not the hoarder themselves that have scheduled the appointment. It is a loved one who's noticed this behavior over time. If you are reading this right now and even questioning if you have a hoarding disorder or not chances are you might. If you give me a call we can discover this together.
Treatment For Hoarding Disorder
Did you know that there is a treatment for hoarding disorder? even though hoarding can persist over somebody's lifetime there are ways to cope and to reduce the need to hold onto unnecessary items. There are ways to help with decision-making. There are ways to help with stress and even organizational skills. The treatment that is used is called cognitive behavioral therapy. Sometimes an antidepressant medication is needed as well. We know that the way we think is going to be the way that we feel. I can help you think differently. I can help you change some behaviors in your life that will better your situation and help you feel less trapped.
Why Choose Me?
I have been working with Hoarding disorder for many years. I have spent countless hours at individuals homes teaching them therapy, teaching them different coping skills, and also being there accountability partner. Getting rid of items is not fun. It is way more than removing items from the home. It is changing a lifestyle, is dealing with the anxiety and distress that come. I can help you do that. I have trained throughout the nation in hoarding. Stop waiting, I know you may have tried other things in the past. I can tell you that what I do is research based and works as long as the individual is willing to do the work.